Will Bontrager
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Amish Cooking: Stories, Techniques, and Recipes

Video - How to Melt Chocolate With an Oven

Sweet Fun!

Kids bored? You bored? Here is something fun. Video comes with ideas for using the melted chocolate.
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(The video is further below.)

Here is something sweet to do when you are home alone …

or the kids are bored …

or you just want something fun to do for awhile.

You'll need chocolate.

You won't need chocolate to watch the video. But you do need chocolate to participate with the video.

Pretty much any chocolate will do.

Semi-sweet chocolate chips (sometimes called "morsels") from the grocery store work fine. It is what's used in the video.

White chips can work, too. Milk chocolate chips should work, too, although I haven't yet tried those.

The video is a step by step how-to for melting the chocolate.

Describing how to dip candy in the melted chocolate isn't included in the video but is explained in the Amish Recipes: Chocolate-Covered Candy book. (The video mentions dipping, but focuses on melting chocolate and telling interesting Amish stories.)

Here are some suggestions for using melted chocolate.

Put dipped and coated candy on wax paper for drying.

Tell your friends, of course. There should be plenty of chocolate chips on grocery store shelves for stocking up — so long as you don't tell everybody in the neighborhood, or the whole world.

With a stock of chocolate chips, you'll be able to engage in this sweet activity whenever you feel like it.

OK, here is the video.

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Note: There is also an article describing a microwave method for melting chocolate.

Ready to make Coffee-Cream Chocolate Candy? It's a 3-video course, the middle video being the one above that you just watched. Click here for the free course.



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