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Book Buyers
Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to the Book Buyers service provided by WillBontrager.com.

The Will Bontrager Software LLC Privacy Policy is incorporated herein and is an integral part of this privacy policy.

When a valid proof-of-purchase email parseable by software at WillBontrager.com is forwarded and received at the appropriate email address, a Book Buyers Account is created or updated.

A proof-of-purchase email is the purchase receipt email sent to the purchaser when a Kindle book is purchased.

The appropriate email address is the email address provided to the author for that purpose, which the author should provide to Kindle book buyers.

A Book Buyers Account is an account at WillBontrager.com containing Kindle book buyer contact, purchase, history, identification, and other information.

Author POP™

Author POP is a service to authors to enable them to contact their readers and offer incentives and premiums. The Author POP account owner may be the author or an entity representing or acting for the author.

When a proof-of-purchase email is forwarded, contact and other information the email contains is made available to the Author POP account owner. The Author POP account owner also has access to contact-related information in your Book Buyers Account.

The terms of service notwithstanding, we can not be held responsible for the actions or inactions of Author POP account owners.

Intermittent Contact From WillBontrager.com

While you have a Book Buyers Account, you may be contacted from time to time by Will Bontrager Software LLC (the owner of WillBontrager.com), generally by email and perhaps also by telephone or postal mail, with information pertaining to the Book Buyers Account. The information may relate to operations, status, changes, or other information related to the Book Buyers Account.

Deleting Your Book Buyers Account

If you wish to delete your Book Buyers Account, please use the contact form at https://willbontrager.com/contact.php. We will respond with a request that you confirm your intent to delete your account and instructions about how to do so.

February 26, 2016

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