Cover a plate with wax paper or a thin sheen of butter. This will be for receiving the newly-covered truffle candy centers.
Put one of the truffle centers into the bowl with the melted milk chocolate.
Use a small spoon or a fork to completely cover the center with the melted milk chocolate.
Raise the truffle candy center out of the milk chocolate with the same spoon or fork. Pause for a few seconds to let the excess chocolate drip off.
Move the utensil holding the candy to a point immediately above the plate prepared for it. Slowly tilt the utensil sideways until the milk chocolate-covered truffle slides or rolls off.
Freshly dipped truffles on a plate lined with wax paper.
When the milk chocolate-covered truffle has settled on the receiving plate, there is likely to be a bare spot where the truffle candy center shows through the chocolate covering — at the place where the candy touched the edge of the spoon or fork. There may also be other bare spots.
Use the spoon or fork to cover all bare spots with a bit of melted milk chocolate so the entire truffle is covered.
Dip the rest of the centers with the same procedure, one at a time.
If the temperature of the milk chocolate goes down enough so covering the candy is no longer easy, or the milk chocolate covering is thicker than you prefer, the coating left in the bowl may be melted a bit more with the same melting technique.
When all have been dipped, or you run out of melted milk chocolate, the freshly-dipped truffles are ready to stand and dry.